they have only one person to contact for support,, and he just doesn't have an answer for things that are very reasonably considered to be basic features in other sql clients (like why it works for me to *near instantly* kill queries with literally any other software (data grip, postico, etc) that I've downloaded) during times when I somehow do have the option to kill a query, it will take many minutes to 'load' the query before you have the option of killing it. regardless of database, I rarely have the ability to kill a query. that is, even when my cpu is running fine and has more than plenty of memory, and other applications have no problems at all
When interacting with non-local databases: Hopefully they figure it out, because they're on the right track visually, but I don't understand how other reviewers can reasonably give this software three stars given its limitations However, when it came time to do actual work, this software is undoubtedly a pretender and not a contender. I thought I had found my new sql editor and I was thrilled because this interface looks fantastic. At first I tested Tableplus on a local database and everything was awesome. Logiciels de base de données : afficher la liste complèteĬommentaires : I only used this app in the first place because I hate how cluttered and ugly other apps, like data grip, are.
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